Snow walls and falling snow for windows
Falling snow
When customers flock to the high street for mince pies, mulled wine and seasonal shopping, greet them with falling snow. Created using a 'dry' foam, this magical product evaporates - leaving nothing to clear up. Our snow machines are even fitted with timers, so you can programme the snow to fall as you switch your lights on.
Available for hireBiodegradable and environmentally friendly
Safe to use inside and outdoors
Snow Walls
Imagine a window display brought to life with 24/7 falling snow. Our SnowWalls provide a self-contained, falling snow solution for windows or instore displays. They're designed for quick, easy installation, with little maintenance required. We can even create designs to your specific requirements, or you can use our off-the-shelf solutions. Simply call for further details.
Lightboxes are available that match your colour scheme and design
Medium snow wall
Large snow wall
Small snow wall
Standard snow wall